[heavy work in progress post - patch is out and PBE is ONLINE. Still filling up with new stuff!]
The PBE has been updated! SIX NEW SKINS
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The PBE has been updated! SIX NEW SKINS
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )
New Skins
Primetime Draven
[ Note on Primetime Draven: He's currently missing sounds ]
In addition to Primetime Draven, we have five new football themed skins that have a shared splash art -Goalkeeper Maokai, Superfan Gragas, Striker Lucian, Red Card Twisted Fate and SweeperAlistar!
Sweeper Alistar
750 RP
Goalkeeper Maokai
750 RP
Superfan Gragas
750 RP
Striker Lucian
750 RP
Red Card Twisted Fate
750 RP
[ Note on Red Card TF: He's currently missing sounds ]
This patch also includes SIX new summoner icons, one for each of the roles ( and using the same symbols as Team Builder ) : Fighter, Mage , Marksman, Support, Assassin, and Tank
Skarner TU
To go along with his kit changes, Skarner has received a texture update!
[ I'd wait to see the in-game on these, will have b4 and after ]
Earthrune is there too but looked pretty weird in the model viewer.[ I'd wait to see the in-game on these, will have b4 and after ]
"Futbol" ward skin
To go along with the five new skins, there is also a football themed ward skin!
New Summoner Icons